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The President and French business representatives discussed opportunities for economic cooperation between Lithuania and France

The President‘s Communication Group

President Gitanas Nausėda continues his working visit to France. On Tuesday morning, the President met with representatives from the French Business Confederation MEDEF, major French companies and Lithuanian business.

The President and the business people discussed economic cooperation between Lithuania and France, Lithuanian business trends and growing opportunities. Gitanas Nausėda welcomed a progressive increase in cooperation between Lithuanian and French business over the last five years, but he also sees a large untapped potential for broader economic cooperation between the two countries’ businesses.

The President stressed that Lithuania was making targeted improvements in the business environment in the country and had made every effort to help businesses survive during the pandemic.

“Lithuania is a hub for economic activities in information technology, fintech and cyber security. We have made an extraordinary breakthrough in life sciences. It is in our interest to attract talents and high value-added businesses. Manufacturing accounts for more than one fifth of the country’s GDP and we have big ambitions and plans for the Green Deal and innovation,” the President said.

Gitanas Nausėda invited French companies to take a more active interest in opportunities for investment and develop their activities in our country.

The President‘s Communication Group

Last updated 2021.11.30 10:53

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