

*gestu_kalba* *easy_to_read*

Presidential Functions

In Lithuania, State power shall be executed by the Seimas, the President of the Republic and the Government, and the Judiciary. The scope of power shall be limited by the Constitution. State institutions shall serve the people.   

President Holds Primary Powers in Foreign Policy Matters:

  • The President decides the basic issues of foreign policy and, together with the Government, conducts foreign policy.
  • He signs international treaties and submits them to the Seimas for ratification.
  • The President appoints and recalls, upon the submission of the Government, diplomatic representatives of the Republic of Lithuania to foreign states and international organizations.  
  • He receives letters of credence and recall of diplomatic representatives of foreign states; confers the highest diplomatic ranks and special titles.   

President Performs Significant Functions in Domestic Policy: 

  • The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the State.
  • He heads the State Defense Council; and he confers the highest military ranks.  
  • The President appoints and dismisses, upon the assent of the Seimas, the Commander of the Armed Forces and the Head of the Security Service.  
  • He holds the right of legislative initiative at the Seimas and also the right to veto the laws passed by the Seimas.
  • The President appoints and dismisses, upon the assent of the Seimas, the Prime Minister. He charges him to form the Government and approves its composition.  
  • The President has the right to apply to the Constitutional Court.
  • In cases provided for by the Constitution, the President may dissolve the Seimas. 

President Acts as Major Guarantor of Effective Judiciary:  

  • The President submits candidatures of the Supreme Court justices and a candidature for the President of the Supreme Court to the Seimas.  
  • He appoints judges and the President of the Court of Appeal.
  • The President appoints judges and presidents of regional and local courts.
  • He submits to the Seimas the candidatures for three justices of the Constitutional Court and a candidature for the President of the Constitutional Court.

The President grants citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, grants pardons to convicted persons, and confers State decorations.

Legislation on Presidential Duties and Activities

Last updated 2020.12.03 15:41